Tag: year4

SLJ Desigh your own surfboard

Task description : today for SLJ I did a task called desigh your own surfboard.I learned about surfboard desighs that they can have words on them. the water is nice when you go in the water with you surfboard .kick start .


Task description: For my store it will be called MAKEY BOARDS. there will be paper that they give you with a pen and you draw what board you want and they will make it and they will be 5 $ for 1 . step it up.

My brother is a big fat liar

Task description :This was easy to do. It took me an hour.Georgia: she is crazy like her brother but she is smart. She has blonde hair and a light blue dress with a purple jacket with pink stars on it and black pants and light purple shoes.

Rafe :He is the brother that is a big fat liar who acts like a superhero. He has black hair and a black shirt with an orange jacket zipped up with long green pants. And black shoes .

Bully: He had bold hair with scars on him and a black jacket and shorts . That are black

Mom; she is a little mean and she has short hair . And she has a headband on her with earrings with a shirt that is black and a jacket that is green and long pants and black shoes. Asks like she is the best.

Rafes sixth-grade friend :He has bushy hair that is blonde and he has a black shirt with blue jeans and black shoes.Helps Rafe.

Bus guy: He has long hair that is bushy and it is black he has sunglasses and he has bangs ugly teeth and a shirt that says Rafe on it with underwear on him. Asks cool

Pretty girl : she has black hair that is in a bun with a pink crown on her with a choker and the latest fashion dress that is blue with nice black heels and makeup. Acts pretty.

Pretty girl two: she has straight hair with a small crown and with black earrings . She has makeup on with dark red lipstick and a long dress that is black with a cute dog .Rude.

Pretty girl three : she has short hair that is blonde with a big blue crown and a long nice blue dress and nice skin. Asks mean.

Yanked It means that to pull something forcefully with a quick movement
Occasional means occurring, appearing, or done infrequently and irregularly.
Hesitating means tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.

I think this fits because the name ,My brother is a big fat liar, sounds like a nice book .

And because the front looks like there are going to be a lot of things going on .

And that the people like cool people that will make the book way better.